I’m Carla Sullivan.

I enjoy crafting narratives and nurturing growth.

In the vast tapestry of life, every thread tells a story. Every journey, every aspiration, every challenge, and every triumph. I believe in diving deep into these narratives, understanding their essence, and weaving them into a roadmap for profound growth.

I began my corporate career at the young age of 19. Since then, I've gained unique insights into what it's like to climb the ladder of success, serving as the right-hand to C-level executives. Since 2007, I have been coaching individuals toward sustainable lifestyles. Suffice it to say my journey in strategic communication began not just as a profession but as a passion. A passion to listen, understand, and co-create strategies that resonate on a profoundly human level.

Over the years, I've partnered with individuals and organizations aiding in crafting messages that truly matter. But beyond the strategies and methodologies, at the core of what I do is a genuine love for people. It's about understanding where they come from and where they wish to go and helping bridge that gap.

In this constantly evolving world, I’ve realized that while strategies may change, the human element remains constant. My commitment? To stay attuned to that element, ensuring every strategic decision, every coaching session, and every interaction is deeply rooted in empathy, understanding, and a drive for genuine betterment.

My Approach

In the intricate dance of communication, understanding, and growth, it's the human touch that truly makes a difference. My approach isn't a one-size-fits-all formula but a personalized journey tailored for each individual or organization I work with. Guided by empathy and a genuine passion for meaningful connection, I've crafted a four-step process that ensures we not only meet your goals but also foster a deep, lasting partnership built on trust and mutual respect.

Listen With Empathy

Before crafting any narrative or strategy, I prioritize understanding your story. This involves active listening, where I not only hear the words you say but feel the emotions and passions behind them.

Shared Success

My ultimate joy lies in seeing you or your organization blossom. Through continuous feedback, iteration, and support, we ensure that the path we've carved leads to profound growth and transformation.

Collaborative Spirit

Drawing from our shared understanding, we embark on a collaborative journey. I bring my expertise in strategic communication, while you bring your authentic self and experiences.

Nurture & Evolve

Recognizing that success isn't static, I remain by your side as both the world and your aspirations evolve.